thebox AHAAN_


$ who am i

Hi. I'm a CS undergraduate from IIT Bhilai hoping to make it big in the field. This is a collection of notes that I have written over time relating to my work, as I unravel my interests and explore the (un)knowns.
CS is great. There is lots of stuff to do and not a lot required to get started. So you might find posts on ML, Compilers and some other doo-dah that ignited my curiosity :P

Have issues ? Feel free to raise one on Github and I'll do my best to respond.
If you are a John Petrucci fan by any chance ♥
I am also into basketball, guitar (...duh) and a bunch of other stuff. I enjoy playing third person triple A titles. Arkham Knight anyone ;) and dabble in web design from time to time.

previous work

current projects

  • Analysis Of DRM Systems - Widevine
  • Secure Boot On Embedded Devices
  • Analysis Of Lightweight RFID Authentication Protcols
  • emu NES Emulation Stuff :P

The banter Project

The banter project (named temporarily) is supposed to be a completely crowdsourced, open problem solving platform for students of competetive examinations, olympiads etc. The goal of the project is to provide free and open access to a repository of problems and solutions.